Cala Morell, a residential area on Ciutadella’s northern coast, is home to one of the island’s most spectacular archaeological sites. It includes a large necropolis, with 17 artificial caves, most from the Talayotic period, and a coastal settlement made up of 13 dwellings, some with an apsidal layout and others quadrangular. This settlement was inhabited during the Bronze Age (1600-1200 BC).
What is most surprising is the construction technique used, which is not cyclopean, as would correspond to the period’s typical dwelling navetas, but instead based on the use of smaller stones.
The area has been studied by researchers since 2011 as part of the “Entre Illes” (Between Islands) archaeological project, whose hypothesis is that this was one of the last naviform settlements to be built. It is believed that the final group to live here was isolated due to pressure from a new type of society that was concentrated in larger settlements and who initiated the construction of talayots. 

Coastal Settlement of Coll de Cala Morell

Cala Morell, a residential area on Ciutadella’s northern coast, is home to one of the island’s most spectacular archaeological sites. It includes a large necropolis, with 17 artificial caves, most from the Talayotic period, and a coastal settlement made up of 13 dwellings, some with an apsidal layout and others quadrangular. This settlement was inhabited during the Bronze Age (1600-1200 BC).
What is most surprising is the construction technique used, which is not cyclopean, as would correspond to the period’s typical dwelling navetas, but instead based on the use of smaller stones.
The area has been studied by researchers since 2011 as part of the “Entre Illes” (Between Islands) archaeological project, whose hypothesis is that this was one of the last naviform settlements to be built. It is believed that the final group to live here was isolated due to pressure from a new type of society that was concentrated in larger settlements and who initiated the construction of talayots. 

Schedule: Open access

Price: Free

Open: Yes


Access is via the road from Ciutadella to Cala Morell. At the first roundabout in Cala Morell, with the taula monuments at the centre, continue north on the same road and go left at the last intersection. Follow the road to the left parallel to the coast until reaching a dead end. From there, it is a short walk to the archaeological site.
Also accessible via the Camí de Cavalls trail, on the Algaiarens-Cala Morell and Cala Morell Punta Nati sections.
Road signs are posted.

Car Park:

Parking is in the residential area. 

Guided tours: Visitor information panels are posted


Services: No

Access for individuals with reduced mobility: No

More information See map

Noticies relacionades
Al llarg de les tres primeres setmanes d’octubre s’ha duit a terme una nova campanya arqueològica al poblat de navetes d’es Coll de cala Morell, centrada en l’excavació de la denominada Bassa Sud. Aquesta depressió artificial forma part d’una estructura hidràulica única a la prehistòria balear, formada per un conjunt de dos dipòsits per a la recollida d’aigua de pluja situats al centre del promontori. 
Activitats relacionades
Xerrada sobre el projecte arqueològic del poblat de navetes d'Es Coll de Cala Morell, a càrrec de Damià Ramis (membre del projecte d'investigació Entre Illes).
L'equip d'investigadors del Projecte Entre Illes organitza una visita guiada al poblat costaner del Coll de Cala Morell aquest dissabte, 21 d'octubre, a les 11 h. 
Excursió del programa "Som Talaiòtics?" 2023 a Cala Morell, una iniciativa del Consell Insular de Menorca, el GOB i Amics del Museu de Menorca.
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   Insularitat, interacció amb l’exterior i complexitat social: els assentaments costaners de l’edat del bronze a les Illes Balears.
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Consell Insular de Menorca Govern Illes Balears Unesco Menorca Reserva de Biosfera
MENORCA TALAIÒTICA - Candidata Patrimoni Mundial
Departament de Cultura i Educació - Consell insular de Menorca
Pl. Biosfera, 5 - 07703 Maó