Trepucó is one of the largest Talayotic settlements in Menorca, covering over 4 hectares, which were originally fortified. Only a small portion of the settlement remains at present: a few sections of the outer wall with two square towers, two talayots, the taula enclosure and a variety of the clearly visible remains of a number of dwellings.
The settlement was destroyed during the Second Punic War and its sudden abandonment allowed for archaeological excavation to shed light on its admirably conserved domestic utensils, which are on exhibit at the Museum of Menorca.
The larger talayot and the taula are found at the centre of a star-shaped fortification, which was built using dry stone wall techniques during the 18th century by the Spanish troops who laid siege to the fortress of Saint Philip’s Castle, until then in British hands.

Talayotic Settlement of Trepucó

Trepucó is one of the largest Talayotic settlements in Menorca, covering over 4 hectares, which were originally fortified. Only a small portion of the settlement remains at present: a few sections of the outer wall with two square towers, two talayots, the taula enclosure and a variety of the clearly visible remains of a number of dwellings.
The settlement was destroyed during the Second Punic War and its sudden abandonment allowed for archaeological excavation to shed light on its admirably conserved domestic utensils, which are on exhibit at the Museum of Menorca.
The larger talayot and the taula are found at the centre of a star-shaped fortification, which was built using dry stone wall techniques during the 18th century by the Spanish troops who laid siege to the fortress of Saint Philip’s Castle, until then in British hands.

Schedule: Access open year-round

Price: Free

Open: Yes

Access: Access is via the Ronda de Maó ring road, exiting at the Camí de Trepucó roundabout. Continue on for 1.5 km along a country road until reaching the settlement, which is clearly signposted.

Car Park: Yes

Guided tours: Visitor information panels are posted.


Services: No

Access for individuals with reduced mobility: Yes

More information See map
Activitats relacionades
El poblat talaiòtic de Trepucó acull l'acte de cloenda de Trobades & Premis Mediterranis Albert Camus 2024. Amb l'actuació de Mama Fiera i el duo Chamæleon. Entrada lliure. 
Aquest espectacle de llum i música forma part de les accions per celebrar la recent inscripció de Menorca Talaiòtica a la Llista de Patrimoni Mundial de la UNESCO.
Excursió del programa "Som Talaiòtics?" 2023 a Trepucó, Cornia Nou i Santa Anna. Aquesta excursió s’emmarca en els actes de celebració de la inscripció de la Menorca Talaiòtica a la Llista de Patrimoni Mundial de la UNESCO. 
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Consell Insular de Menorca Govern Illes Balears Unesco Menorca Reserva de Biosfera
MENORCA TALAIÒTICA - Candidata Patrimoni Mundial
Departament de Cultura i Educació - Consell insular de Menorca
Pl. Biosfera, 5 - 07703 Maó